Community Focus
Our partnership with St Vincent de Paul – ‘Vinnies’
Since December 2021, Talaria has partnered with Vinnies in three key areas of their focus in the community.
- Vinnies Soup Vans and the accompanying Talaria Gift Card Program
- The Vinnies No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)
- General sponsorships and events including the Vinnies CEO Sleepout.

The Talaria Vinnies Program
Delivering an extra hand up for communities
The Talaria Gift Card Program
Through fund raising, direct financial donations and volunteering, our work supports the Vinnies Victoria Soup Van Program
Skilled and unskilled volunteering to help support key areas of the No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)
Sponsorship and Events
Fundraising via both for Talaria and Vinnies events including the CEO Sleepout